Whether your are aiming for driving innovation, building partnerships or for an opportunity to expand your service or product, you need to know about business models that can be adopted to accomplish your goals with web APIs.
Our own clients typically begin with just one business reason for building an API, but they are ready for any change in business requirements with little additional effort. SlashDB provides unobstructed access to their data assets via an instant web API.
Enable web and mobile applications for reading and writing, improve data management internally or provide on-demand data feeds in standard formats.
One of the most interesting resources about the business of APIs is this presentation from the first API Strategy & Practice conference: “API Business Models” by John Musser, founder of ProgrammableWeb. Find out what API business models are used by Sprint, Expedia, Google, Netflix, Facebook, New York Times, Amazon, PayPal, Salesforce.com, Intuit and other online business leaders.