SlashDB is proud to announce that founder and CEO, Victor Olex, had the honor of giving a presentation at the most recent API Strategy and Practice Conference. Olex, acting as SlashDB’s representative, presented a talk on API advancements and development, sharing the stage with representatives from Walgreens, CapitalOne, Intuit, and Datafiniti.
Olex, a proponent and innovator of API technology, delivered an intelligent and compelling presentation on the ability of APIs to completely restructure the database ecosystem, as well as SlashDB’s commitment to simplifying database interactions through increased accessibility and searchability. Olex was lauded by fellow participants for his presentation, with one participant stating that SlashDB’s achievements in the field of API development were the highlight of the conference.
You can view Olex’s full presentation here or read below for a run-down of the highlights of his talk.
Statistically Speaking
Olex’s talk focused in part on offering concrete statistical data on the financial benefits of adopting APIs. For instance, in 2015 companies globally spent $2.3 T (that’s right, trillion) on IT systems. Of that, $350 B (billion!) was spent on technical consulting and software integration services, while still another $140 B was spent on middleware. In total, half a trillion dollars is spent annually on data and data integration software. Saying that this is a lot of money to spend on data-related software is an understatement.
So where exactly is all of this money going? A quick breakdown reveals that most of it is used to cover expenses for integration ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) and Data Warehousing. Fortunately, the extreme financial upkeep for these types of databases can be greatly reduced by adopting an API database add-on like SlashDB’s, which favors accessibility and searchability over a single access point.
Multiply Investments with Amazonian-Sized Results
Olex reviewed the successes of APIs in businesses, notably using Amazon as an example of how investing in an API can lead to (hugely) increased returns. Amazon adopted an API in 2002 and, flashing forward to 2016, Amazon is now reaping the benefits of that decision. Since adopting an API, Amazon’s returns have increased by 4,000%. Needless to say, this is a huge, almost fantastical, return for investing in an API.
API Accessibility
In his presentation, Olex aptly pointed out that the underlying theme of the conference was accessibility, a theme that he took up with great enthusiasm and insight, offering excellent justifications for adopting APIs to meet accessibility needs in databases. Olex passionately advocated for a “what you see is what you get” interface which allows users to access and retrieve data with ease, relying on their intuition to guide them through the database rather than relying on complicated queries. Olex was quick to point out that SlashDB implements this exact setup, providing an API add-on that creates hyperlinks for each piece of data, which is literally like having your data at your fingertips.
SlashDB as a Solution
The intelligent and compelling presentations at the conference definitely highlight the fact that APIs have made serious inroads into the logos of businesses within the past year. Their popularity will only continue to grow and progress into mainstream business practices.
At SlashDB we’re committed to creating APIs with accessibility, searchability, and speed. Join us in our mission to rehabilitate the database ecosystem into a thing of streamlined beauty (and save yourself time and money in the process).
Full Session Video
Without further ado we present the entire video of the “APIs in Enterprise” session (you can jump straight to minute 32 when our part begins here). Enjoy.