Data is the currency of our new technological economy and many companies are trying desperately to seize control of their data as other companies have already sprinted ahead, reaping numerous benefits from big data. By crafting a data-centric mindset in your work teams, you can greatly improve the work in every department from marketing to product testing. Read on to find out some simply methods for creating a data-driven company culture.
Simple Ways to Create a Data-Driven Company Culture
1. Open Up Data Access
To become more data driven, work teams must develop an unquenchable thirst for data-backed knowledge. Providing access to datasets and databases can nurture more insights for your company.

Insights will vary for each department, for example, your marketing team could use company data to create a micro-targeting campaign, while your IT team focuses on tracking each sprint at a granular level. Crowdsourcing knowledge in this manner will increase problem-solving skills by invoking the collective intelligence of your team.
2. Foster Critical Thinking and Data Literacy
Companies must implement a roadmap of testing, product builds, and marketing data metrics that every team member can understand.
While AI garners a lot of discussion in the ongoing focus on data, it is the human side of this equation that will ultimately separate the successes and failures of most companies. As companies continuously refine their ability to mine more and more data, the biggest successes will be achieved by companies who have the right team in place that can ask intelligent questions based on the data in front of them.
3. Let Data Drive Every Decision
Successful companies review data before making every decision. These companies understand that delving into data to gain insight maximizes decision making in every department.
If data access is restricted to only a small internal team, then there is decision-making going on in each department that is not backed by the insights that data can provide. This leads to poor market performance and overall company loses.

4. Create Work Culture that Optimizes Data Insights
A work culture in which every team member understands the myriad of benefits and value that data brings to business decisions and marketing campaigns will help establish a culture that optimizes insights based on data.
Getting Started
One of the first big steps to achieving a data-driven company culture is getting the right technology to help you make the most of your data. With a whole team delving into the data, your data technology tool must be as intuitive and user-friendly as possible. An API add-on such as SlashDB is an optimal solution. SlashDB automatically assigns each data resource a URL so that related data are hyperlinked with a URL from one data point to another, such as Customer to Invoices. This linking allows a search engine crawler to crawl out to every piece of hyperlinked data and build an index of retrievable information. This allows SlashDB users to ask the search engine questions in a natural language, such as “customers from Brazil” or “customers named John,” and the search engine responds with URLs to data matches found in the index.
This heightened search capability allows all users, whether they specialize in marketing, IT, or quality assurance, to effortlessly select a single piece of data from thousands of records. This degree of granularity will help your whole team understand your customers better than ever before.