SlashDB ver. 1.3.0 is Here
Finally here is some good news! Our latest release is now available for download. While summer is slowly but surely drawing to an end, we are rushing to announce that our latest release is now available for download.
Finally here is some good news! Our latest release is now available for download. While summer is slowly but surely drawing to an end, we are rushing to announce that our latest release is now available for download.
Highlights Happy Holidays and welcome to SlashDB ver. 1.2, our final release for the year. Here's what's new: Transpose output into series Amazon Aurora - official support GUI session invalidation Checkbox for "distinct" records 5,700 test cases 25 other fixes…
All business leaders share a common goal – transforming an idea into a money-making business. In the past, businesses depended on well-established business models and strategies to gradually realize their goal over months and sometimes years. However, many startup businesses…
What is Infinite Scroll? Infinite Scroll is a web design technique that progressively loads items in a scroll-able list as a user scrolls. The technique can be viewed as a progressive loading approach to lists. It should be noted that…
Welcome to the latest release of SlashDB. The new version includes over 30 improvements to both the GUI and the backend. Check it out today!
Having almost every facet of modern life connected through the internet confers various advantages, and one of the most significant is the ability to analyse performance data to an unprecedented extent. The more data you collect from myriad sources, the…
Data is the currency of our new technological economy and many companies are trying desperately to seize control of their data as other companies have already sprinted ahead, reaping numerous benefits from big data. By crafting a data-centric mindset in…
In this post we are sharing with you the changes and improvements for version 1.0. Each new version is added in reverse chronological order. For more details on new features in the last major release (version 1.0) please see the…
Welcome to SlashDB version 1.0, our newest, most refined, milestone-setting release. As always you can download SlashDB for FREE and use it for development and experimentation for as long as needed. When you are ready for production, please see our…
What is Lazy Loading? Before we can describe what lazy loading in code means, we first have to look at how it's different from what programmers are used to. You may not have heard the name for it before, but…